Maine Coast Lab accepts samples Monday through Thursday of most weeks. We are closed on major holidays and cannot accept samples the day before a holiday. Please call 207-882-5476 if you have any questions. Samples may be rejected at the discretion of Maine Coast Lab if the lab feels sample integrity may have been compromised. Rejection criteria include but are not limited to the following.

 All samples must:

  • Have adequate volume to perform requested tests.
  • Be in appropriate containers provided by lab unless otherwise agreed upon.
  • Be in sterile containers for bacteria.
  • Have no detectable chlorine for bacteria.
  • Samples must be analyzed within EPA mandated holding times (30 hours for drinking water bacteria and 48 hours for drinking water nitrate and nitrite). This is most easily achieved if samples are collected and delivered on the same day.

• Cooling of samples is encouraged but not required for most analyses. Samples should be transported in a cooler with ice or ice packs and if stored, should be refrigerated.